ARDUINO (Atmega-328pu)
3 days ( 6 hours/day ) -- 5 days ( 4 hours/day ) -- 10 days ( 2 hours/day )
- Introduction About Technology
- Embedded system Vs Non-Embedded System
- Current Trends in Technology
- Future Scope
2. Software & Hardware overview (Software Installation)
- Overview of Microprocessor / Microcontroller
- Overview of Open-Source Platform
- Basics of Development Board, IDE, Debugger, Flash programming
3. Arduino Programming & Simulation
- IDE Tool = Arduino
- Simulation Tool = Proteus PCB Design & Simulation Software
- Experiment 1: GPIO Access (DIO - LED)
- Single Port Pin Access – LED toggle
- Full Port Pins Access – LED BAR GRAPH
- Buzzer Control
- Experiment 2: GPIO access (DIO - MOTOR)
- DC Motor Control (Forward & Reverse Logic & Robot logic)
- Servo Motor Control
- Stepper Motor Control
- Unipolar
- Bipolar
- Step Angle Acceleration
- Experiment 3: GPIO access (DIO - DISPLAY)
- 7-Segment LED Interface
- Double 7-Segment LED Interface
- 16*2 LCD Interface
- Experiment 4: GPIO access (DIO – MATRIX KEYPAD)
- 4*4 Keypad Interface
- Button Interrupt
- Button Polling
- Experiment 5: ADC
- 10-Bit ADC Conversion
- ADC Sampling
- ADC Calibration
- ADC on LCD
- ADC Threshold Setting
- Experiment 6: Serial port (UART – RS232/TTL logic)
- 9600 Baud Rate, 8-Bit Data, No Parity, 1-Stop Bit Configuration
- Synchronous Serial Programming
- Asynchronous Serial Programming
- UART Transmit Interrupt
- UART Receive Interrupt
- ADC on Serial
- Experiment 7: PWM control
- PWM Duty Cycle Setting
- DC Motor Speed Control
- LED Brightness Control
4. Hardware Training (ONE MINI PROJECT)
- Mini Project – ATM Machine Task
- Mini Project – Sensor HUB
- Or Students Own Idea
5. Summary
- Summary of Whole Session
- Doubt Clarification
- Other Technology Demo/Overview
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