Why Publishing with AG Journals.....??
- Tied up with more than 80 International Journals.
- Tied up with more than 19 SCOPUS Journals.
- Tied up with more than 5 National Journals.
- Tied up with more than 11 Elsevier Journals.
- Tied up with more than 6 Springer Journals.
- Research Paper writing and publishing for PhD, M.Phil.
- Very less plagiarism percentage, about less than 10%.
- Papers are composing and inspecting only by doctorates.
- Paper quality is guaranteed.
- Approving and publishing time can be predicted by experts.
- For Annexure I and II, getting approval within 3 months.
- Annexure papers will be published within 6 months.
- Analytical chemistry
- Bio pharmaceutics
- Pharmacy practice & Pharmacognosy
- Novel drug delivery sys
- Medicinal chemistry
- Biomaterial Sciences
- Pharmacology & Pharmacogenomics
- Natural chemistry
- Biotechnology
- Polymer sciences
- Pharmaceutics
- Other